BPSC 68th PT Test (Perfection, Pram, Nalanda, Sankalp) (Combo) (Hindi) (20 Model Papers) (English) (Bilingual)
Perfection IAS BPSC 68th Prelims Test Series volume 1 contains 5 Model Test Papers along with detailed explanation. These 5 model papers are in subjectwise format and also have detailed explanation.
Sankalp Civil Services Volume 1 Test Series contains 5 model papers and all are full length tests designed and developed on the latest pattern of BPSC Prelims examination.
Nalanda Civil Services Volume 1 Test Series contains 5 model papers and all are full length tests designed and developed on the latest pattern of BPSC Prelims examination.All Model papers contains detailed explanation.
Pram IAS Volume 1 Test Series contains 5 model papers and all are full length tests designed and developed on the latest pattern of BPSC Prelims examination.All Model papers contains detailed explanation.
BPSC 68th PT Test (Perfection, Pram, Nalanda, Sankalp) (Combo) (20 Model Papers) (English)